Its skill allows players to gain health with each successful hit. Item drop from a named NPC who ambushes you on an optional path after the first drop down in Road of Sacrifices.ĭetails: The Butcher Knife is a big and menacing weapon that also has a great moveset. Location: The Butcher Knife can be found on the Road of Sacrifices. The ranged based weapon is also great for keeping enemies at bay. This long-range melee weapon can poke enemies with high damage. Due to this, players can compound the damage to claim victory. This spear comes with the unique ability to poison hit enemies. Location: Arstor’s Spear can be received as a trade reward for Soul of the Rotted Greatwood and 1,000 souls.ĭetails: Arstor’s Spear is, arguably, one of the best Dark Souls 3 spear weapons. In addition, they are also available as a premium choice for Rogue/Thief type characters. The Twinblades are a starting weapon for the Mercenary class. It allows for high momentum combos while also dealing a decent amount of damage to enemies. This weapon can rank up pretty high in Dexterity if infused. If players choose to be Mercenary, they can just get it as a starting weapon.ĭetails: The Sellsword Twinblades have high base damage. The Sellsword Twinblades are positioned beyond the Black Knight. Next players will need to enter the castle walls in the corner of this area. After entering the area, players should enter the water before heading right. Location: The Sellsword Twinblades are located on the Road of Sacrifices. While it can be infused or buffed, its frostbite attribute is pretty useful in PvP. It is mandatory to kill this enemy in order to progress further in the game.ĭetails: This weapon manages quick strikes and high base damage. It has been dropped near the bottom of the elevator by the Outrider Knight.

Location: The Irithyll Straight Sword is located in the Undead Settlement. This allows players to rare items with more frequency. It comes with an intelligence primary attribute without infusion. Another perk of this weapon is that it has a 50 Iten Discovery attribute. It makes up in speed what it lacks in terms of power. Players need to have a Transposing Kiln that is obtained from the Curse-Rotted Greatwood.ĭetails: This Rapier might be best suited for a magic wielder such as a Sorceror or a Pyromancer. It can be traded for the Crystal Sage’s Rapier with one catch. Location: This Rapier will need players to defeat the Crystal Sage boss in Road of Sacrifices. The Claymore can also be infused and customized. It yields enormous damage in a dual-wielding style but can provide speed and agility if singularly wielded. It can be found in the far left corner of the top platform where the Dragon breathes fire.ĭetails: The Claymore is a powerful but low weight weapon. Location: The Claymore is situated on the High Wall of Lothric. The Hold skill helps knock opponents off-balance and leaves them open to counter-attacks. With its fast swings and high base damage, it has the potential to be a primary weapon in the game if upgraded. This is no easy feat though.ĭetails: The Uchigatana is the first Katana available in the game. If players can successfully kill him, he will drop his Uchigatana and armor. Here, they will encounter an Uchigatana wielding Sword Master. Players will need to head right after leaving the front entrance. Location: The Uchigatana is located outside the Firelink Shrine. In the end, only the player can decide what style suits their character build and gameplay style best.

Some weapons in the list can also be used to get preferred bonuses.

With this in mind, we put together a list of 10 best Dark Souls 3 weapons that can be found early on in the adventure.